Re-Entry Plan for 2020-2021 School Year
Message from the Superintendent
It is the goal of the Jackson County Board of Education to open schools to person-to-person instruction on September 8, 2020. This goal is contingent on the COVID-19 conditions present in Jackson County, at that time, and will be dependent on the orders of the Governor and information from public health officials. The success of any re-entry plan relies on the cooperation, patience, and compliance of all education stakeholders.
While the goal is to re-open schools, it is also evident that various contingency plans must be in place to guard the health and well-being of our students and staff. In order to enter into the school year in cautious manner and to safeguard the health and safety of our students and staff, Jackson County Schools will begin the school year with a graduated re-entry model. Please refer to the “Opening of School Schedule” for a full explanation of the entry model. Over the course of time, a phased-in approach to student attendance is planned. Additional information regarding the re-entry model is available in the “Opening of School” section of this document.
As we plan for the opening of school, it is necessary to implement protocols and procedures designed to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The protocols outlined in this plan will be reviewed periodically to determine if revisions are needed.
Health and Wellness
No one exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 should report to work/school or be present in any facilities operated by Jackson County Schools until cleared by a medical professional. Anyone seen on Jackson County Schools’ property exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 will be asked to leave and immediately consult with a physician.
All visitors entering a school shall be screened for COVID-19. Staff will self-screen daily and report symptoms to their immediate supervisor. Parents should assist in screening students prior to attending school each day. Elementary teachers will monitor students for atypical symptoms that need to be referred to the school nurse for additional screening. Secondary students will self-screen daily using an electronic platform provided by the school. The screening may include an interview or questionnaire. A temperature reading may be required. Any individual found to have a temperature above 100.4 degrees will be further screened by a school nurse, or other designees, to verify the temperature. If a temperature above 100.4 degrees is confirmed, the individual will not be permitted to remain at the school. If a student has a fever, he/she will be quarantined in a supervised isolation area until pick-up by a parent/guardian or designee approved on the student’s emergency contact form. Employees with a fever of 100.4 or greater will be dismissed from duty and will leave the property immediately. Information on testing will be provided courtesy of local healthcare partner(s). Physician consultation with COVID-19 testing is recommended for any staff member or student exhibiting symptoms. If tested for COVID-19, individuals may not return to school/work until a negative test result is reported. If a person has a negative COVID-19 test, he/she can return to school/work once there is no fever, without fever reducing medication, and have felt well for 24 hours.
Individuals that test positive for COVID-19, must follow the quarantine order of the Health Department and may return to school/ work when released to do so.
Students identified with COVID-19 symptoms while at school will not be transported home by school bus at the end of the school day.
Instructional Delivery
Jackson County Schools will provide a variety of instructional delivery options designed to provide five (5) days of instruction each week.
· Traditional Model:
Students will attend school, on campus, five (5) days per week.
· Blended Learning:
Students will attend school, on campus, for one (1) to two (2) day(s) per week and be engaged in remote learning off campus for the remainder of the week. Students engaged in remote learning will be eligible to participate in the school meal program as provided by the school in their attendance zone.
· Remote Learning:
Students will be engaged in remote learning and will not attend classes on campus. A fully remote learning environment is only implemented at the order of the Governor.
- Grading/Report Cards:
Under all instructional delivery models, new material will be introduced and assignments, including those completed in a remote learning environment, will be used in the calculation of student grades/progress.
Virtual School Instruction
Jackson County Schools also provides a virtual school option for students in grades K-12. Parents may select this option of instructional delivery for situations when they do not wish to have their child receive instruction on a school campus. Virtual School classes are rigorous online courses provided through the WV Virtual School. Enrollment in the Virtual School requires that students have daily access to reliable internet service. After a trial period, through September 30, students enrolled in Virtual School would be eligible to return to in school instruction at the beginning of the next semester. Students enrolled in the Virtual School are eligible to participate in the school meal program as provided by the school in their attendance zone. For students with disabilities, an IEP Meeting will be conducted to discuss Virtual School placement. For information regarding enrollment in Virtual Classes, please call (304) 372-7306.
Opening of School Schedule
1. Schools will open for students in Grades 1-12, in a blended model, on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, unless a “stay at home” order is issued for West Virginia or Jackson County.
2. For the week of school, September 8-11, 2020, Jackson County Schools will operate on the one (1) day per week attendance model as follows:
a. On Tuesday, September 8, 2020, students “Blue Group”, those with last names beginning with letter A-D, will attend school.
b. On Wednesday, September 9, 2020, students “Red Group”, those with last names beginning with letter E-K, will attend school.
c. On Thursday, September 10, 2020, students in “Green” group, those with last names beginning with letter L-R, will attend school.
d. On Friday, September 11, 2020, students in “Purple” group, those with last names beginning with letter S-Z, will attend school.
3. For the next two (2) weeks of September 14-18, and September 21-25, in –person attendance will advance to the two (2) day per week attendance model.
Monday & Tuesday – Students with last names from A-K will attend
Thursday & Friday – Students with last names from L-Z will attend
4. Beginning the week of September 28, 2020, students in Grades PK-12 will attend five (5) days per week.
5. Please be aware that as COVID-19 conditions develop, the re-entry school may be adjusted.
6. Here is a recap of the Return to School Model, please refer to the Jackson County Schools Return to School Roadmap to determine which day(s) of the week your child is to attend school:
Week | Attendance Plan |
September 8 – September 11 | One (1) day per week attendance |
September 14- September 18 | Two (2) days per week attendance |
September 21 – September 25 | Two (2) days per week attendance |
Beginning September 28 | Grades PK-12 attend five (5) days per week. |
7. Pre-school and Kindergarten students begin school on Monday, September 14, 2020, and will be provided specific information for school visits and entry schedules. Once the transition activities have been completed, kindergarten students will follow the attendance plan used by students in Grades 1-12.
General Information
Cafeterias/Food Service
1. Cooks will prepare meals in the kitchen for possible delivery to classrooms, or if the cafeteria is used for meal service, it may be operated at no more than 50% capacity in order to allow for social distancing and spaced seating.
2. Cafeteria tables and touch surfaces shall be sanitized after each meal service period.
3. Students and staff shall wash hands before and after meals.
4. Hand sanitizer shall be provided in the cafeteria.
5. Virtual School students, who have placed an order for a meal, may pick it up at the school closest to their home from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. on Monday – Friday.
6. Students that are not scheduled in school due to remote learning, who have placed an order for a meal, may pick it up at the school closest to their home from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. on Monday – Friday.
7. On days when the school system is operating on a FULL REMOTE LEARNING schedule, students who have placed an order for a meal, may pick it up at the school closest to their home from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. on Monday – Friday. On FULL REMOTE LEARNING days, meals will also be delivered by school bus, to designated sites in the county.
1. Students will remain in core classrooms, throughout the day, as much as possible.
2. All student desks shall be faced in the same direction and be as socially distanced as practical.
3. If students must change classrooms, desks and touch surfaces will be sanitized in classrooms when classes are changed.
4. Students and staff are required to clean hands upon entry to each classroom.
5. Students will be issued, or bring from home, all supplies and shall not share the supplies with other students.
1. School deliveries shall be held in designated areas outside of student traffic areas.
2. Personal deliveries of food, flowers, balloons, and other similar items shall not be accepted for staff or students.
Entering/Exiting School Buildings
1. All students, staff, and visitors will enter/exit the building only through designated points of entry or exit.
2. When entering the building, staff will report directly to their assigned work area.
3. When entering the building, students will proceed directly to classrooms or designated staging areas.
Face Coverings
- Staff and students in grades 3-12 shall wear a face covering in buildings when: a) social distancing cannot be achieved, b) are outside their core group (elementary), and c) are in congregant areas. The only exceptions shall be: a) during snack or meal periods, b) during strenuous activity in physical education classes/recess, c) for verified medical conditions, d) when not appropriate due to developmental, medical, or the behavioral status of the student. Medical exemptions are required.
- Staff and students in grades PK-12 shall wear a face covering while on a school bus.
- Students in grades PK-2 are to wear a face covering 1) when riding a school bus, 2) when entering and exiting school facilities, 3) when in congregant areas such as hallways, restrooms, and other areas where they mix with other groups of students, and 4) in classrooms when social distancing may not be possible.
- NOTE: If the alert code increases to YELLOW level, face coverings will be required of students in grades 6 and above and staff at all times.
- NOTE: If the alert code increases to ORANGE level, face coverings will be required of students in grades 3 and above and staff at all times.
- If requested, Jackson County Schools will provide face coverings for students or staff.
1. All hallway traffic will be socially distanced with lanes and directions designated. Students are to keep their hands to themselves and refrain from touching surfaces and lockers.
1. Students will be taught and encouraged to use proper handwashing techniques.
2. Hand sanitizer, which will be available in all classrooms, shall be used by individuals when entering the classroom.
3. Tissues will be available in all classrooms.
4. Students will not drink directly from water fountains. Each school will be equipped with a water bottle filling station(s). Students will be provided a reusable water bottle for their personal use.
5. If students must change classrooms, desks and touch surfaces in classrooms will be sanitized when classes are changed.
6. Any classroom equipment required to be used by multiple students will be used by one student at a time and sanitized after each use.
- Day-shift custodians shall sanitize restrooms at least every two (2) hours and other common areas as frequently as possible.
- Evening-shift custodians shall sanitize touch surfaces in classrooms, computer labs, door knobs/levers/bars, light switches, and common areas each night. Electrostatic sprayers will be used in the cleaning process in schools.
- Custodial services will be supplemented using overtime and/or additional personnel.
1. Recess and physical activity periods will be granted to specific classrooms on a schedule, keeping groups of students in a particular classroom together. Physical activities will be designed to maximize distance and eliminate contact.
1. Students should not be lined up and taken to the restroom in groups.
2. Restroom breaks will be given one student or small groups of students at a time, as needed.
3. Only one student or a small group of students may use a particular restroom at a time.
- Day-shift custodians shall sanitize restrooms at least every two (2) hours and other common areas as frequently as possible.
School Bus Transportation
1. Absent a verified medical condition, all school bus occupants from grade 3-12, as well as other adult passengers on the bus, shall wear a face covering while on a school bus.
2. Absent a verified medical condition, all bus operators shall wear a face covering while students are entering or exiting the school bus.
- Students in grades PK-2 may wear masks if able to do so.
- Due to capacity limits due to COVID-19, bus passes will not be issued for students not normally assigned to the bus.
5. Windows will be lowered to at least one level, weather permitting, to encourage the flow of fresh air on the bus.
6. Hand sanitizer will be available and is required to be used by all occupants when boarding the bus.
7. Generally, no more than two (2) students will be seated in a seat. Children from the same family will be permitted to sit three (3) to a seat, depending on the seating capacity of the bus.
8. Established regulations relating to the seating of pre-school students on the school bus remain in effect.
9. Students will remain seated, with hands to themselves, from the time they board the bus until disembarking.
10. Students will disembark, one at a time, in an orderly fashion beginning from the front of the bus and proceeding to the rear of the bus.
11. Students identified with COVID-19 symptoms while at school will not be transported home by school bus at the end of the school day.
12. Bus operators shall sanitize the seats and touch surfaces after every bus run. Sanitation may be accomplished by approved disinfectant wipes, liquid, or electrostatic sprayers.
School Assemblies/Programs
1. School-wide assemblies and/or programs are prohibited at this time. Further guidance will be provided in the future when such events will be resumed.
/Sign-out Procedures
1. Adults authorized to sign students in or out of school may be held in the visitor vestibule area rather than being admitted into the school during the sign-in/sign-out process.
- A technology device will be assigned to students in grades 2 -12 for use in the event of a closure period that requires remote learning.
- Students in grades 2-8 will be assigned an iPad and high school students will be assigned a MacBook. Parents/guardians are responsible for the device assigned to their child.
- In a remote learning environment, students in preschool to first grade will be provided instructional packets to take home.
1. All school visitors must wear a face covering.
2. Symptom screening will be conducted for all visitors entering the building, including family members, vendors, and others. Screening may be provided at the main entrance or school office. Individuals waiting to be screened must stand six (6) feet apart.
- Visitors to the school will be restricted to the front office area, administrative office, counseling office, or conference areas.
- Hand sanitizer will be available and shall be used by visitors upon entry to the office area.
- Visitors are not permitted in common areas, cafeterias, or classrooms.
- The use of school volunteers will be very limited. In a crucial area of need, the principal may submit a written request for the use of a volunteer to the Director of Elementary or Secondary Education.
Revised: 9/6/2020