Good Evening Ripley High School 11th grade students and parents. This is a reminder that most 11th grade students will be taking the SAT School Day tomorrow. We encourage you to get plenty of sleep this evening. All students will report to homeroom as normal and then be dismissed to the their testing locations. Please remember to bring your calculator with you to the assessment. Good Luck and we will see you in the morning!
almost 2 years ago, Jeff Haskins
Good evening, This is a reminder that Jackson County Schools will be closed for Spring Break beginning Monday, April 3rd, through Friday, April 7th. Please have a wonderful, safe, and relaxing Spring Break.
almost 2 years ago, Jackson County Schools
Ripley High School 11th graders were notified this week that the Wellness Center will be providing 12th grade immunizations later this Spring to those who sign up. Permission slips are available through the school nurse and are due back by April 17th. These immunizations will be administered during the school day later this Spring. Contact the school nurse with questions or to receive a permission form.
almost 2 years ago, Jeff Haskins
Seniors, please send your baby pictures for the senior slideshow to by April 30th. Other details have been emailed to your student boe.jack email account.
almost 2 years ago, Dwayne Merritt
Hello and good evening! Please plan to have your dinner at Ripley Wendy's tomorrow 4pm - 8pm, as 10% of all proceeds go to help support our Project Graduation. Donation's will also be accepted tomorrow evening or you may contact the school finance office to contribute supporting our student actives with Project Graduation. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Dwayne Merritt
Good evening. This past Thursday, the Jackson County Board of Education passed the creation of an Electrician Technician program for students at Ravenswood High and Ripley High that will be housed at the former Ravenswood Middle School. I encourage all Sophomores and Juniors interested in the newly created program to meet with their high school counselors as soon as possible to learn about the class requirements for the program. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students as we try to meet the needs of our community as new businesses enter our area. If you have any questions regarding this program, I encourage you to contact your son’s or daughter’s high school for more information. Thank you and have a wonderful evening.
almost 2 years ago, Will Hosaflook
Hello and good evening. This message is to let all students and families know that report cards will be sent home tomorrow, March 22. Students will need to get their report card from their homeroom teacher.
almost 2 years ago, Dwayne Merritt
Reminder to all students riding a pep bus to the State Basketball Tournament tomorrow... you are required to ride the bus back to the school unless your own parent or guardian signs you out through one of the chaperones riding your bus. Notes or phone calls asking for permission to ride with another student or parent will not be accepted. Also, don't forget your ticket. Go Vikings!
almost 2 years ago, Jeff Haskins
Permission forms have been given to students who signed up for the pep bus going to the boys state basketball tournament. Students must purchase a $6.00ticket and return the permission form by Wednesday at Noon.
almost 2 years ago, Jeff Haskins
The WV Higher Education Policy Commission has extended the deadline to apply for the Promise Scholarship for the class of 2023 to May 1, 2023. The 2023 Promise application and 2023-2024 FAFSA must be filed by May 1, 2023. The academic requirements have not changed. Applicants must meet all eligibility requirements to qualify. Visit for a full list of requirements. The scholarship award amount has also increased to $5200 for the Class of 2023!
almost 2 years ago, Dwayne Merritt
The Boys Regional Championship game against Logan HS this evening has been sold out. Please utilize parking at Ripley Elementary School, the Board of Education lower lot and the transportation lot across from Gino's. The game will be streamed online through Mountain Top Media.
almost 2 years ago, Jeff Haskins
Hello and good day! Notice for those attending the Regional Championship Basketball game tomorrow night, Wednesday March 9th. Please make sure to park appropriately in all lots. In addition to the two parking lots located on campus, there is also parking available at the board of education office across from the softball field. Parking will also be available at Ripley Elementary School which is a short walk to our campus as well as the transportation office lot across the street from Ginos.
almost 2 years ago, Dwayne Merritt
Senior Parents: The deadline to submit the application and the FAFSA for the Promise Scholarship is March 1st. You will use your 2021 tax information to complete this. Information on the Promise Scholarship can be found on Applicants and families can ask questions or schedule a remote appointment for assistance with filing the FAFSA by calling 304 558 4618.
almost 2 years ago, Dwayne Merritt
Girls Regional Tickets went online at noon today for Ripley vs Lincoln County. Ripley High Students will be admitted free, thanks to a community sponsor. Game time 7:00 on March 1st, gates open at 5:45. ALL tickets must be purchased through GoFan.
almost 2 years ago, Dwayne Merritt
Project Graduation to be held on May 26, 2023. This after graduation event is full of games, prizes and entertainment that is offered to our graduating seniors as a safe and healthy alternative to alcohol and drug related parties. Also some activities for seniors the week of graduation may be supported by these funds. Thank you for your contribution! Please follow this link to donate helping Ripley HS Project Graduation:
almost 2 years ago, Dwayne Merritt
Scheduling information opportunity February 27th.
almost 2 years ago, Dwayne Merritt
We will begin each group in the auditorium.
Hello Ripley High School Parents! It is mid-term time once again! Please check your child's mid-term grades on Canvas. Contact your child's teacher if you have specific concerns. If you need assistance with Canvas, contact the school at 304-372-7355. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Jeff Haskins
Good evening staff and parents: By now you should have received information regarding the Raising Boys and Girls Conference on December 9-10 at Ripley High School. This is a free conference for educators and parents. Space is limited. Please register for this event as soon as possible. Conference details and registration information can be found at Most importantly, please take a few moments today to thank a Veteran for their service to our country. Thank you and have a wonderful evening.
about 2 years ago, Will Hosaflook
Good evening, Jackson County Schools is asking parents/guardians to provide input and vote on the 2023-2024 school calendar. To view the three (3) draft calendars, please click the following link - To vote, please click
over 2 years ago, Jackson County Schools
over 2 years ago, Jackson County Schools
Adopt a Family Sign ups