Good evening- Communities In Schools is having a county-wide resource day located in the Ripley High School main lobby before the Ripley vs Ravenswood basketball game on Wednesday, February 12. Start time is 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Come out and learn what services are provided in Jackson County, and have an opportunity to win a prize. Thank you and have a wonderful evening.

Good morning, Jackson County Schools will now operate on an NTI Day for Thursday, February 06, 2025, due to multiple roads being impacted by high water throughout the county. Students should utilize their instructional packet number 4 or log in to the Canvas learning management system to complete their assignments. If you have questions, please visit the Jackson County Schools website and click on "For Staff, then Non-traditional Instructional Day" on the menu bar for more details and instructions. Also, school personnel will be available at your child's school at 10:00 a.m. to answer any questions you may have. Thank you and have a great day

Good morning,
Jackson County Schools will operate on a 2-hour delay for Thursday, February 06, 2025, due to high water in multiple areas throughout the county. We will continue to check roads over the next few hours and communicate another update around 7:30 a.m. Thank you

The FAFSA expert will be at Ripley High School between 9am and 2 pm Thursday, February 6, 2025 . If your or your senior needs assistance with completing their FAFSA, please call the counseling office to schedule an appointment.

Good morning,
Jackson County Schools is without internet and phones at this time. A fiber line around the Sissonville area was damaged last night, resulting in this issue. We will notify parents and guardians as soon as connectivity has been restored. Thank you.

Good afternoon, Ripley High School parents! There are a few things coming up for you. February 3 at 6:30 we will host our scheduling night starting in the auditorium. Check the website for more information. February 11 at 4:30 in our library will have our Cardiac Response Plan meeting for all spring sports. After that, at 5:30 in the same location, we will hold our third LSIC meeting. February 17 is another opportunity for you to meet with teachers about your child's progress. If you would like to schedule a conference on Monday, February 17 from 2:00-6:00, please reach out to the teacher(s) directly. We have completed our 2nd benchmark which can give you a glimpse of where your child might stand with earning the Promise Scholarship. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to discuss your child's progress and ask any questions you may have. Thank you, and have a great day!

Good evening,
Jackson County Schools will operate on a normal schedule for Friday, January 24, 2025. Some bus routes will still be abbreviated due to secondary road conditions. If your child rides a bus to school, please visit the Jackson County Schools’ website to see an updated list of impacted bus routes, or click the following address - https://tinyurl.com/2d2gmawd. As always, you can track your child's bus through the ZONAR App. Thank you and have a wonderful evening.

Good evening,
Jackson County Schools will operate on a two-hour delay for Thursday, January 23, 2025. Multiple bus routes will be abbreviated. If your child rides a bus to school, please visit the Jackson County Schools’ website to see an updated list of impacted bus routes. The list is located on the left side of the home page, or you can click the following link to view bus information. https://tinyurl.com/2d2gmawd. Also, this is a reminder that parents and students can download the Zonar-My View bus app on their smartphones to receive live updates on bus locations. You can find more information at https://tinyurl.com/yrzg8c4s. Thank you and have a wonderful evening.

Good afternoon, Jackson County Schools will utilize a Non-Traditional Instructional Day for Wednesday, January 22, 2025. School personnel will report to their work locations on a two-hour delay. Code A personnel should report to work on their normal work schedules. Students should utilize their instructional packet number 3 or log in to the Canvas learning management system to complete their assignments. If you have questions, please visit the Jackson County Schools website and click on "For Staff, then Non-traditional Instructional Day" on the menu bar for more details and instructions. Also, school personnel will be available at your child's school at 10:00 a.m. to answer any questions you may have. Thank you and have a great day

Good afternoon, Jackson County Schools will utilize a Non-Traditional Instructional Day for Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Although primary roads are clear, our secondary roads are still hazardous, especially with single-digit and sub-zero temperatures occurring overnight. School personnel will report to their work locations on a two-hour delay. Code A personnel should report to work on their normal work schedules. Students should utilize their instructional packet number 2 or log in to the Canvas learning management system to complete their assignments. If you have questions, please visit the Jackson County Schools website and click on "For Staff, then Non-traditional Instructional Day" on the menu bar for more details and instructions. Also, school personnel will be available at your child's school at 10:00 a.m. to answer any questions you may have. Thank you and have a great day

Good evening, This is a reminder that Jackson County Schools will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025, in observance of Martin Luther King Day. Have a wonderful evening.

Good evening,
If your child rides a bus to school, please visit the Jackson County Schools’ website to see an updated list of abbreviated bus routes, or click the following address - https://tinyurl.com/2d2gmawd. As always, you can track your child's bus through the ZONAR App. Thank you and have a wonderful evening.

Jackson County Schools will operate on a normal schedule for Wednesday, January 15, 2025.
Some bus routes will still be abbreviated due to secondary road conditions. If your child rides a bus to school, please visit the Jackson County Schools’ website to see an updated list of impacted bus routes, or click the following address - https://tinyurl.com/2d2gmawd. As always, you can track your child's bus through the ZONAR App. Thank you and have a wonderful evening.

Jackson County Schools will operate on a normal schedule for Tuesday, January 14, 2025. Certain bus routes may still be abbreviated due to hazardous secondary road conditions. If your child rides a bus to school, please visit the Jackson County Schools’ website to see an updated list of impacted bus routes, or click the following address - https://tinyurl.com/2d2gmawd. Thank you and have a wonderful evening.

Good evening,
If your child rides a bus to school, please visit the Jackson County Schools’ website to see an updated list of impacted bus routes for Monday, January 13, 2025. The list is located on the left side of the home page, or you can click the following link to view bus information. https://5il.co/34vwg. Also, this is a reminder that parents and students can download the Zonar-My View bus app on their smartphones to receive live updates on bus locations. You can find more information at https://tinyurl.com/yrzg8c4s. Thank you and have a wonderful evening.

Jackson County Schools will operate on a two-hour delay for Monday, January 13, 2025. Please expect multiple bus routes to be abbreviated due to hazardous secondary road conditions, which we will continue to monitor throughout this afternoon and evening. Later this evening, I will send out another communication regarding changes to bus routes. Also, Code A personnel should report to work on their normal work schedule. Thank you.

Good morning from Ripley High School! Today is an NTI day for Jackson County Schools. It's a little tricky since we're at the start of a semester, some classes may not be appearing yet. However, by 11:30 today, classes should begin to appear for students. Please check the Vikings course in Canvas for the live class links which will be available starting at 11:30. If you have any questions, email your teacher directly.

Good afternoon,
Jackson County Schools will utilize a Non-Traditional Instructional Day for Friday, January 10, 2025, due to hazardous secondary road conditions. School personnel will report to their work locations on a two-day delay. Students should utilize their instructional packet number 1 or log in to the Canvas learning management system to complete their assignments. If you have questions, please visit the Jackson County Schools website and click on Staff, then Non-traditional Instructional Day on the menu bar for more details and instructions. Also, school personnel will be available at your child's school at 10:00 a.m. to answer any questions you may have. Thank you and have a great day.

Good afternoon. Jackson County Schools will be closed on Thursday, January 9, 2025. Our maintenance department and custodians have cleared most of the snow from our school lots and sidewalks, but many secondary roads are still impassable. Please stay safe and have a wonderful evening.

I hope that everyone has had a safe and enjoyable extended holiday break! Here is some updated information about upcoming dates of events for our school. The school science fair will be determined once staff and students return to school. As of now, the county science fair will still be on January 14 at Ripley High School. The High School Math Field Day competition will now be held on January 16. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at (304) 372-7355.