Good afternoon. Jackson County Schools will be closed on Wednesday, January 8, 2025. School employees will operate on a Code A. Please stay safe and have a wonderful evening.
about 1 month ago, Will Hosaflook
Good afternoon. Jackson County Schools will be closed on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. School employees will operate on a Code A. Please stay safe and have a wonderful evening.
about 1 month ago, Will Hosaflook
Good afternoon. Due to inclement weather, Jackson County Schools will be closed on Monday, January 6, 2025. School employees will operate on a Code C unless your supervisor issues other instructions. Also, all school activities and trips are canceled for the day. After my weather briefing with the National Weather Service on Monday, I will send out a communication regarding Tuesday's status as soon as possible. Please stay safe. Have a wonderful evening.
about 1 month ago, Will Hosaflook
Good afternoon, The Jackson County Anti-Drug Coalition is sponsoring a new release movie - The Wild Robot - at the Alpine Theatre on Friday, January 3. Showings will be at 2:00 p.m. and 7 p.m. Admission and snack pack are free, courtesy of the Jackson County Anti-Drug Coalition. Please have a safe and Happy New Year!!
about 1 month ago, Jackson County Schools
Good afternoon. This is Will Hosaflook, Superintendent of Jackson County Schools. This is a reminder that Jackson County Schools will have a three-hour early dismissal on Friday, December 20, 2024. Also, Jackson County Schools will be closed from Monday, December 23 through January 5th with students returning to school on Monday, January 6, 2025. Please have a safe and wonderful Holiday Season.
about 2 months ago, Will Hosaflook
Good evening. This is a reminder that all Jackson County Schools will be closed from November 25th through November 29th for Thanksgiving Break. Also, the Jackson County Board of Education has approved Calendar A for the 2025-2026 school year. If you would like to view next year’s calendar, please visit the Jackson County Schools' website, or click the following link - . Please have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving break.
3 months ago, Will Hosaflook
Four quick things for your information heading into the weekend! 1.) Academic announcement first - today marks the midterm of the 2nd nine weeks. We encourage all parents to log in to Canvas to check your child's academic progress. If you need help with this, please let us know by giving us a call at (304) 372-7355. Encourage your kids to finish the semester strong! 2.) Starting tonight at 7:00, our theatre students will be putting on the play "Rosie the Riveter" All showings will be tonight and tomorrow at 7:00 PM, and then 2:00 on Sunday afternoon. Tickets are $5.00 at the door. 3.) Monday night at 7:00, we will be having a community pep rally on our football field! All of our kids in fall sports and band have been very successful, let's cheer them on! Come wearing your blue and white! 4.) Lastly, Tuesday night at 6:30 we have a community event in our gym. A fun basketball group called the "Harlem Triksterz" will be here to put on a show! They'll be playing against some of our staff members (that's bound to be entertaining). It'll be a great time for all ages. You can purchase tickets early at a discounted rate in our office or on GoFan (Link on website under athletics) . Tickets will also be sold at the gate starting at 5:30. We hope to see you at both of these events!
3 months ago, Luke Swiney
Good evening. This is a reminder that Jackson County Schools will be closed on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, for Election Day. Thank you.
3 months ago, Jackson County Schools
Our second nine weeks Local School Improvement Committee (LSIC) meeting will take place on 11/12/2024 at 5:30 in the Ripley High Library. This meeting will be the Stakeholder Meeting where we will discuss academics and our WVDE Scorecard.
3 months ago, Luke Swiney
Dear parents of seniors, Ripley High School has signed on to participate in West Virginia’s statewide “College Application and Exploration Week” to be held October 28 - November 1. During the week, the school will host activities to help students learn about and apply to postsecondary education programs, including certificate programs, workforce training and apprenticeship programs, two-year degree programs, four-year degree programs and military service. Students will be given time within the school day to work with counselors to submit applications and research postsecondary options. Please encourage your child to take advantage of this opportunity!
3 months ago, Luke Swiney
Attention all winter and spring sport athletes. Ripley High School will be hosting a meeting about our cardiac response plan on Tuesday, October 29 at 6:00 PM in the library. We are now required to host these meetings prior to the start of sports. As part of this, all coaches will supply a form which will require a parent signature regarding acknowledgement of our plan. The meeting is optional, but attendance is highly recommended. If you have any questions, give us a call at (304) 372-7355 or email Athletic Director, Steve Lough at
4 months ago, Luke Swiney
Good evening, Jackson County Schools is asking parents/guardians to provide input and vote on the 2025-2026 school calendar. To view the three (3) draft calendars, please click the following link - To vote, please click
4 months ago, Jackson County Schools
Good evening parents and guardians. This is a friendly reminder that students will not attend school on Friday or Monday due to staff development days for school employees. If you would like to schedule a conference with a teacher on Monday, October 14, 2024, please reach out to them as soon as possible. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to discuss your child's progress and ask any questions you may have. Thank you, and have a great day!
4 months ago, Jackson County Schools
Congratulations to Gilmore Elementary School for being selected as a 2024 National Blue Ribbon School. Gilmore ES was 1 of 356 schools throughout the United States to be chosen for this prestigious award. As stated on the NBRS website, "this prestigious award serves not only as a symbol of exemplary American schools, but also as an inspiration for schools across the nation. It affirms the hard work of students, educators, families, and communities in creating safe and welcoming schools where students thrive". Once again, congratulations to the students, faculty, guardians, and community for being selected as a top school in the nation.
5 months ago, Will Hosaflook
Good evening Jackson County Schools Community, Scores on the 2024 West Virginia Summative Assessment that our students in Grades 3-8 took last spring have been released and show, once again, that Jackson County School Students are performing well. The teachers and staff of all of our schools thank you for the work that you and your children have put into their education and look forward to great things to come. Score reports this year are being released online and instructions for viewing your child's scores have been sent out in an email message to your child's school email account. Paper reports for the WVGSA are not being provided this year by the West Virginia Department of Education. If you have any questions regarding your child's scores, please contact your child's school for more information. Thank you and have a great evening.
5 months ago, Jackson County Schools
It's hard to believe, but today is midterm! Be sure to check your kids grades on Canvas. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the teacher directly via Canvas, email or at (304) 372-7355. If you need any assistance checking Canvas, you can contact us also at (304) 372-7355.
5 months ago, Luke Swiney
At this time, we are lifting the precautionary lockdown. Law enforcement has investigated the situation, and the threat DID NOT pertain to Ripley High School. Thank you to Ripley PD, Jackson County Sheriff's Department and our SHIELD program for their expedient attention to this matter.
5 months ago, Luke Swiney
At 8:12 AM today, administration became aware of vague information of an alleged threat to our school. At this time, we do not believe it to be credible. However, out of the utmost caution, we immediately went on a PRECAUTIONARY LOCKDOWN while law enforcement investigates the situation. I will keep you informed as I receive information.
5 months ago, Luke Swiney
Jackson County Schools and Ripley High School are committed to the safety and education of all our students. Essential to this commitment is open communication with our families and school community about potential concerns when they arise. For this reason, I wanted to share some information regarding unsubstantiated or rumored threats circulating on a social media messaging platform. Please rest assured that we take all threats seriously. Upon notification of reported threats, we contact law enforcement immediately to investigate any threat and its validity. The reported messages are being investigated and appear to be similar to other threats or messages being spread throughout our region. Jackson County Schools has not been identified in a post to our knowledge, but many schools in our region have been named. We understand that situations like this can be concerning, and we want to assure you that we are committed to maintaining a safe and secure environment for all. Once again, we want to emphasize our unwavering commitment to the safety of our students and staff. We are grateful for the support and collaboration of our school communities and law enforcement agencies. Together, we will continue to work diligently to keep our schools safe and secure. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to get in touch with me directly at (304) 372-7335. Thank you for your continued trust and support as we work together to keep our school community safe.
5 months ago, Luke Swiney
Good evening, Jackson County Families. Our guest speaker, Katie Greer, will be at Ravenswood High School Auditorium tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. She is an acclaimed internet safety expert, who leverages her extensive experience with law enforcement to educate families on safe digital practices. The presentation will last an hour and will include various topics such as digital trends affecting adolescents, social media use, and key strategies to help families use technology more thoughtfully and intentionally. If you have any time in your schedule, this will be a worthwhile event to attend. You must be 18 years old to participate in the event. Childcare will be provided. Thank you and have a wonderful evening.
5 months ago, Jackson County Schools